Friday, July 1, 2011

Not Your Mother's Cooking

So I decided to open up my very own culinary arts school in Windurst Waters. Classes are occasionally taught in Sand'oria at the Grocery store, thanks to Mr. Raimbroy who owns the quaint little shop. Here is a picture of my first student, Meanie.

We were at the grocery store in Sand'oria to make his Apple Pies, because it was easier to get the Maple Sugar here (and cheaper too!) rather than purchasing it from the Auction Houses. (Sorry Crafters! Come down on your prices!) I sat diligently by his side while he cooked up a storm, making pie, after pie, after pie....after pie...

After pie... The woman is a slave driver!

Once he had reached his full potential with apple pies, we headed on over to Windurst to the Culinary Guild for his next test. Wouldn't you know, they wanted an apple pie! What a coincidence! By this time Meanie was extremely good at making Apple Pies. He whipped one up and the judge was truly impressed.

I was ready to choke a bitch on apple pies.

Well on his way to becoming a Veteran chef, like myself. Of course, he's got one on me, he has a shiny brand new Hocho and well can use it. He is a Ninja after all and is well skilled with katanas. A feat I am not well grounded in.

After gaining his Journeyman status, we continued on our cooking path, making Beaugreen Sautes, where he is currently hanging out at when we have time to cook. If you happen to see Meanie cooking in Windurst, it's best not to disturb him while he's concentrating. (After all, we don't want fire crystal shards all over the place do we?) Humping his leg however, is acceptable, only if your a tarutaru.

I will kill you.

A Ninjar Knife (Tale of the Rancor)

Many people know the Tonberry race that lives deep within the dreaded Temple of Uggalepih, but most people do not understand, as I do, the reasons behind their hate and suffering. You live down there long enough, and it starts to eat at you, starts to get inside your head. You hear their chants late at night, see their artwork, and you might get lucky and read some of their books while your wondering the corridors.

by: John Joseph Quirante

You see, they had a goddess named Uggalepih, and it is she that this temple is solely dedicated to. It was said that she was so beautiful that she was even more so than the Goddess Altana. And because of this, Altana was jealous of Uggalepih and cursed her to become hiddeously deformed, as a lizard person that we all know the Tonberries to resemble. Because of this, Uggalepih taught her children to hate, to seek out revenge on all of Altana's children for the slight against her.

"O brothersss of rancor, take up thy lanternsss,
The truth we shall illuminate.
O sistersss of rancor, take up thy knives,
To cleave our foesss with barren hate.
Through this we ssseek our just reward;
Our goddess's glory be ressstored."

I learned a lot about the Tonberries and the reasons behind their severe hatred of us while I was down there, camping out this particular Tonberry known as Sozu Sarberry for a knife she was rumored to posses. I had to defeat her in combat several times before she agreed to give me what it was I was seeking, but finally, victory was at hand after about two weeks of spending time down in the dark recesses of this hate filled temple.

Now, the twist to my camping. I wasn't after this knife for myself. Instead there's a Ninjar whom I owe a great deal of repayment to because of all the help he's given me. So, I've been down here camping this knife for Meanie, in hopes it'd repay some of my debt! I still owe him a flickering lantern so that he can attain his own Thief's Knife. (It is tradition you know)

Now where's mah cookie?