This image shouldn't stir up old memories, but for me it does. In fact it was some of the best times I had with an old friend of mine, whom, for whatever reasons undisclosed to me, is no longer part of my life, in game, or out. I got pretty emo coming back down here, especially on Thief. I guess, because mainly that person is the reason I leveled thief to begin with, because they inspired me to. We had several black mage experience parties down here when we decided to duo black mage to 75. This is also where my first "mysterious goblin experience" occurred. This particular MGE happened while we were nuking the bat pets of the various goblins/moblins about the area. Next thing we know, several high level goblins, jumped... yes, jumped, from the platform above us, killed us, then jumped off the platform we were on down to the next one. It happened at least twice while we were there, and I reported it to a GM, and they informed me it was indeed a glitch in the matrix. Frankly I think they've watched too much Keanu Reeves.
But now, I am back on Thief and trying to continue on with my weapon trials. This time, I have to face off with Bugbear Strongman four times. I've already defeated him in combat twice and am waiting for him to come back from "AFK" to continue our duals. He's given me monk pants and sam pants, both of which are level fifty use. I think he's hinting at something. While he was away from his keyboard, I wandered around and stumbled upon another bugbear in the area.
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