Yeah I figured I'd throw in a rant, since I don't usually make posts about them. What's happened to people lately? You spend all afternoon, alone, camping an NM and a guy comes along, only to claim the mob, and then...hold it...cause he wasn't ready to kill it.

Your doing your Emp. Weapon trials and notice there's a whole group of people there doing it too, so you ask if you can join, and get no response....yet they are there and they speak English. You also used the auto-translator, just in-case. The kick in the ass? One of them asked the night before to join you, and you told them that if you were actually staying and not going to bed at that moment that it would be cool. Oh, and you'd previously been in a linkshell with them for over 3 years. No one has any sense of loyalty anymore or true comradeship. I could understand, if this was for say like a 10mil item and they didn't want you in the party, afraid you may gank it from them. (Lets say for a moment that "Kick" doesn't exist because then this would be an entirely logical fear, right?) But no. This isn't for an item. Even if I wanted the stupid dancer knife, I already have one, ergo can not obtain a second (and again, they could kick me if that was a fear). Nope, just wanted points/credits for my dagger trial which, only needed a kill off a pot. So, then, why the behavior? Why the ignoring and then pretend sympathy? Sympathy! Because your friends didn't have the courtesy to invite someone to a party for a kill. Did you offer to stick around and help this person out after seeing your friends were complete jerks? No, of course not because that totally wouldn't have benefited you in anyway whatsoever. (Assuming I was an asshole and didn't repay favors, which I do. In fact sometimes go great lengths to repay.)

This is about on the same level as the time I was trying to get my "Joytoy" and had invited someone, off my friends list mind you, whom I thought was a pal to come help me. He invited me to join his party, so he was party leader. We killed the mob, the sword dropped (cause you know, it's a 100% drop rate) and he ... kicks me out of the party and claims the sword for himself. THEN claims he dropped it cause he didn't want the piece of crap to begin with.
I'd like to take a moment, to blankly stare at my monitor now.
Ok, good. Yes, he kicked me out of the party, over a 100% drop, then bragged about dropping the sword. What, exactly, was the purpose behind this? You know, I mean, besides being a cockatrice sucker. Maybe his girlfriend liked me better than him? Who knows. I just know that eventually, what goes around will come around and I've about had all I'm willing to take from people being complete douchebags for no other reason other than, they can be.
Back to killing skeletons.