Monday, May 18, 2009


My red mage is at level 62 and has been for nearly a year now. I find I've hit some sort of motivation block for this job and I'm not exactly sure why to be honest. I leveled WHM to 75 fairly quickly and BLM to 75 sorta quickly (stupid soloing) but when it comes to RDM I find myself unmotivated to actually hang out on that job and seek for a party. Maybe it's because I'm afraid the parties will be stupid level synch groups only. Who knows. At any rate, I'd love to finish it to 75 just to have it finished. (Can merit it later on) Someone willing to volunteer to push me onwards to that goal?

I want to move onto another melee job after RDM is finished, though I've not decided which yet. Sort of stuck between Warrior or Samurai -- or as I've heard lately, Sam-on-rye. Both sound equally appealing for differant reasons. Any suggestions? 

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