Thursday, May 28, 2009

Long Post - Lots of STUFF

Molester Coats. I can see why they are called that.  This seems to be a regular saturday morning occurance. I wake up too late for the boat but Jess is always there in White Gate ready to open up that coat of his and suck me and Mav into it so we can get our asses on over to Nashmau and on out to the Testing Grounds for Eye-in-jars.  However the reason I took this picture wasn't really because of the coat. Nope! I took it cause I realized I didn't actually have any really good screen shots of both Mav and Jess from the old days. SO! Might as well start right? Now I just need to catch Ravax doing something silly in Salvage and snap one of him to make the collection complete!

SO! I did my FIRST Red vs Blue the other day with Kallo and ah, some....other....person...whom I totally forgot their name. (SORRY!) Anyhow~ I've never done this Assault and I didn't really know what to expect. Red Vs. Blue you think, ok, Red Mages vs. Blue Mages right? Well that's sorta what it is. But what I want to know, is when the hell did Red Mages get polearms and greatswords!? WTF. I want to use my polearm on RDM! I feel so left out on this. And I would also like to point out that the MALE HUME is wearing his sword on the "WRONG" side, like we Female Elvaans wear all our weapons at. SO! Not just us anymore! 

Needless to say I had fun watching them battle it out whilst Kallo and uh, other person, did...ah..well...I'm not sure exactly what they were doing to be honest. I was the stand there and speak to the NPC and get the box and rune after we're done, person. SO. Yeah. I did absolutely nothing in this Assault. Which, to be honest, was nice for a change, after all those freaking Golden Salvage runs where I was like one of the only ones doin the werks. Kallo helpped when he was there, but sometimes it was just me so yeah! My turn to be lazy! All Right!

And last but not least.... a screenie of a conversation I had in White Gate one day directly after zoning in. My ego skills increased by .5~! It is kinda weird, but flattering at the same time to get messages like this. And it's not generally a once in a while occurance, it's nearly once a week at least and not always because I've been mentioned on LRB either, but sometimes it's just due to the linkshells I've been a member in. So yep! Ego Strokage! 


Kallo said...

Has anyone ever told you you're a silly girl?

Sene said...

Every day!

Kallo said...

It's 6:11am in the morning and you're still a newb! /goes to sleep.