Aka: About damned time!
So I have been rather busy but not really with anything all too exciting. However! Through the loverly linkshell friends from Limit Break Radio, I've met a white mage / warrior / black mage / too many damned jobs --- who's gotten me addicted to Pankration. We've gone out several times now to collect our pictures for our pets and then pit them against each other's pets as well as those other people whom participate in the tourneys and matches in Aht Urghan's Colosseum.
Of course, you could take your shiney shiney soultrapper and soul plates and instead of givin new shinies to your pets or getting pets, you could turn these pictures into Zeni for the new ZNMs. Which Frice and I have been doing on occasion. (Not nearly enough of course, cause we're lazy that way) And whilst turning them in on one of these occasions, Sileighty showed up and taunted us.... so Frice and I decided, he didn't really need his gilz anymore. >.>
It seems as if my training as a thief has led me to act out while on other jobs as well. Perhaps it's true what they say, once a thief, always a thief. But whatever the case may be, I enjoyed picking on the taru and usually do, and even if I do pick on him, he's a great person. Helpful and ready to go exploring and one day! I shall beat his pankration mob! Oh yes. Muwhahaha. *coughs*