First off, I want to thank everyone who made this possible. Everyone who put in hard work, long hours, tons of gil and god knows how much xp (prior to the patch) as well as time.
Most of you know, I've been working on CoP missions for almost two years now. My first three statics went strange, people left here and there, or didn't show up, or just didn't inform people they were skipping ahead. It happens. For a year I was stuck on a single mission and went back, three times, to Mammets or before Mammets, just in hopes to get a group who would see it through to the end. I'm glad to say that it's finally over! I'm completely broke, exhausted from a week of doing what some people said couldn't be done.... one week, we went from Riverne Site B01, level 54blm and rng to level 60, and all the way to the FINAL Cutscene in COP!! 6 days!!! Rajas ring Obtained for I think the majority of us.

We went through a lot of trials along the way. People said we couldn't do it. We couldn't burn Snoll with black mages, we couldn't get to Sea in a week, we had no hopes of finishing CoP. We couldn't do The Airship Fights without such and such jobs or tanks or whatever.... but you know what? We did. ;p
I'm very proud of Eleazar and Kallo. VERY proud of them. They didn't give up, they did everything that they had in their power to prevail and honestly, I think that's what we're really about. Not giving up.
I do applogise to those of you who felt that it was unfair of me to continue the missions with only half the group able to attend. But it was a prime week, Eleazar had the opportunity and so we went with it. As you know, I've already stated, I'm willing to help people with missions. I now have a 60blm (hopefully soon to be 75) and can help burn some of the battles. (Yeah burning was sooooo much fun. )

We were sitting around outside the Pot BCNM (Second to last CoP Battle) waiting on TheCaptian to join us. By far, this was one of the most difficult battles in CoP we experienced. I think we did this one around 6 times maybe? It was insanely hard. Object of the game was to aggro all 4 pots, 2blm and 2rdm. Sleepga 3 of them, and kill the two blm pots before you wiped. Then get up and kill the rdm pots. We had the same set up, for the majority of the fights, and kept loosing. PLd tank, RDM, WHM, WAR, THF, BLM. Kept loosing. Finally....we substituted the pld with a ninja, and knocked the RDM out all together and grabbed a second blm. We did that a few times too and lost. But after a while, we regrouped, brought in people we'd worked together with before, and OMG what a differance! We rocked those pots like there was no tomorrow. ^^
Most of you know, I've been working on CoP missions for almost two years now. My first three statics went strange, people left here and there, or didn't show up, or just didn't inform people they were skipping ahead. It happens. For a year I was stuck on a single mission and went back, three times, to Mammets or before Mammets, just in hopes to get a group who would see it through to the end. I'm glad to say that it's finally over! I'm completely broke, exhausted from a week of doing what some people said couldn't be done.... one week, we went from Riverne Site B01, level 54blm and rng to level 60, and all the way to the FINAL Cutscene in COP!! 6 days!!! Rajas ring Obtained for I think the majority of us.

We went through a lot of trials along the way. People said we couldn't do it. We couldn't burn Snoll with black mages, we couldn't get to Sea in a week, we had no hopes of finishing CoP. We couldn't do The Airship Fights without such and such jobs or tanks or whatever.... but you know what? We did. ;p

I do applogise to those of you who felt that it was unfair of me to continue the missions with only half the group able to attend. But it was a prime week, Eleazar had the opportunity and so we went with it. As you know, I've already stated, I'm willing to help people with missions. I now have a 60blm (hopefully soon to be 75) and can help burn some of the battles. (Yeah burning was sooooo much fun. )

We were sitting around outside the Pot BCNM (Second to last CoP Battle) waiting on TheCaptian to join us. By far, this was one of the most difficult battles in CoP we experienced. I think we did this one around 6 times maybe? It was insanely hard. Object of the game was to aggro all 4 pots, 2blm and 2rdm. Sleepga 3 of them, and kill the two blm pots before you wiped. Then get up and kill the rdm pots. We had the same set up, for the majority of the fights, and kept loosing. PLd tank, RDM, WHM, WAR, THF, BLM. Kept loosing. Finally....we substituted the pld with a ninja, and knocked the RDM out all together and grabbed a second blm. We did that a few times too and lost. But after a while, we regrouped, brought in people we'd worked together with before, and OMG what a differance! We rocked those pots like there was no tomorrow. ^^
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